Dear Parents/Carers,
As you are aware, we have always said that our plan to reopen Delves Federation from 1st June was dependent on the availability of scientific evidence to support this next step. Despite the Government’s assurance that schools could move ahead with reopening plans from this date, there has been counter advice issued by members of SAGE which advocates delaying opening by a further 2 weeks.
Many councils across the country have taken this decision away from schools but in Walsall it remains the decision of the Headteacher and the Chair of Governors. We have spoken at length as a Federation Leadership Team and, whilst we feel that our plans are robust and that we have a strong model for reopening, we do not feel in light of the new advice that this is the right time to proceed, particularly as many of our children and staff fall into the vulnerable groups outlined by the Government. Safety of staff and children has always been our key consideration.
The Governing Body has agreed a delay in our opening arrangements until the week beginning Monday 15th June and it is our intention to open to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children at that time. We will of course continue to make provision for Key worker and vulnerable children. If this provision is something that you need or that you think your child may be eligible for, please get in touch by email or phone or use the online booking system which can be accessed through the Delves Junior School Website under the tab – parents – coronavirus.
Further details regarding the return to school arrangements will follow.
Thank you again for your trust and patience during this time of great uncertainty.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs A. Arnold
Executive Headteacher