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                                  Nurture at Delves Federation


“To nurture is to care and protect someone or something whilst they are growing.”


At Delves Federation, we understand the importance of providing a nurturing environment in order to allow our children to reach their full potential.  Research demonstrates the impact that Nurture can have on attainment as well as social and emotional competences. At the heart of Nurture is a focus on wellbeing and relationships, and a drive to support the growth and development of children and young people. The 6 principles of nurture outlined by NurtureUK underpin everything that we do within the school.


Children’s learning is understood developmentally

We understand that all children are different and learn at different rates. We support each child to feel safe and confident enough to challenge themselves both within and outside of the classroom, in all that they do.




The environment offers a safe base

Children feel welcome and safe within our school. They know that they matter to each and every member of staff.  We take time to develop an understanding and empathic relationship with each member of our community.  We understand the importance of routine and predictability in our day, and make sure we know each and every child well enough to be able to support them in whatever way they need.




The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing

At Delves, we celebrate the achievements of every child. We seek out and listen to the ideas that they have about their school, for example through the Pupil Parliament (Junior Leaders, Mental Health Ambassadors, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, A* Stars, Health and Safety Team, Safe Surfers, Eco-Crew, Art Ambassadors and Reading Ambassadors), and work together to bring their ideas and projects to life.  

We praise and encourage our children consistently, celebrating with them through certificates, house points and positive class feedback. Our children are aware of the importance of looking after their minds and bodies to keep them healthy. They are encouraged to reflect on their own ways to protect their mental health, as well as recognising their own feelings and emotions.



Language is a vital means of communication

We believe in positive, consistent, respectful interactions with a clear articulation of expected behaviours. We use Emotion Coaching to help put words to feelings, and understand the importance of a rich emotional vocabulary for children to be able to express their thoughts, and regulate the emotions and behaviour.


All behaviour is communication

We understand that a child’s behaviour is their way of telling us something. We have a Relationships Policy which incorporates the principles of Nurture. Our approach is to respond to behaviour in a calm and consistent manner, whilst setting clear boundaries and expectations.


Transitions are important in children and young people’s lives

Children experience many transitions throughout their lives:

  • as they enter school
  • going through their lessons
  • breaktime and lunch
  • return home

Changes in routine can be stressful for many children, and we understand the importance of managing each transition with empathy and understanding. We use a routine throughout the day, supported by visual timetables and extra support e.g. social stories, where appropriate.


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