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Religious Education

Religious Education

At Delves Junior School, our Religious Education curriculum uses and adapts the Walsall SACRE Agreed Syllabus for RE.


Our curriculum provides insights into aspects of world religions and also supports and acknowledges those of spiritual or no belief. Our aim is to further the knowledge, understanding and acceptance of the beliefs and teachings of others, working towards a harmonious membership of a culturally diverse community.


Through links to British Values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith) we teach our children to be able to respond and question, sharing individual opinion supported by well-chosen examples from their studies. Through questioning, response to religious texts and practices and research-based tasks, our children will be supported in further developing their skills, enabling them to become respectful members of their own and wider world community.


This document shows how children's Religious Education skills progress through Key Stage 2.   

Here are some examples of our knowledge organisers.  These documents are used by teachers to help them plan in detail the key knowledge children will learn about different aspects of Religious Education in each Year Group.  

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