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Google Classroom

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a free application which allows teachers and pupils to communicate and can be used to organise and manage learning tasks. It forms part of Google’s G Suite for Education which is used in many primary, secondary and further education settings as it enables distance learning. It has an uncomplicated and user-friendly interface that will help us to manage learning at home together at this challenging time.

Remote Learning


Google Classrom is a central part of our plan for Remote Learning if children need to learn at home because a class or year group bubble needs to close.  We will be using ‘Google Classroom’ as a platform to deliver lessons, to set work and to provide feedback for children’s work.  This is a purpose made platform for learning that we believe will help our children to learn effectively at home if this becomes necessary.  Teachers will be able to provide ‘live lessons’ using Google Meet and Google Classroom. 

Google Classroom Pupil Use Agreement

G Suite for Education Privacy Information

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