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Alex Timpson Award

As a school, we have been focussed on building a resotorative approach to behaviour; we want to ensure we connect with our children and families effectively.  This approach has been led in school by Mrs Fletcher-the SENDCo and Assistant Head for Inclusion.  We believe that this approach is beneficial for all of our children particularly in the light of the pandemic.  Our work on this restorative practice and the strategies that we use to support our children’s wellbeing and mental health has been recognised by ARC-The Attachment Research Community-who work with schools across the country to help them support children.  Delves Junior School was shortlisted by ARC for the Alex Timpson Award.  While we were not successful in winning the award, only 3 schools in the country were short-listed and we are very proud to have made this list.  We created a video to showcase our work as our submission for the award and we are so pleased to be able to share the link to the video here:

Thank you to all the children and staff who contributed to the creation of the video.  #weareDelvesJunior


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